How to Fix a Hole in the Wall: Professional Painters’ Secrets

how to fix a hole in the wal

When you own a home, it’s inevitable that you will have to fix a hole in the wall at some point in time, whether you use professional painters or DIY. This article will take you through a step-by-step guide of how to patch a hole in the wall as well as some paint matching tips professional painters use when minimising visibility.   

Tools Need To Fix A Hole in The Wall

  • Spakfilla – the size of the hole will determine the type you need
  • Putty knife/ filler blade
  • Fibreglass mesh/ cardboard 
  • Fine sandpaper
  • Clean wipe cloths
  • Drop sheets

how to fix a hole in the wal

What to Do

  1. Preparation is paramount. Clean the area surrounding the hole thoroughly. Remove any flaky paint with a putty knife or scraper, and use sandpaper to smooth the area. 
  2. For big holes (larger than 1cm wide), use mesh or cardboard to cover the hole, making sure the mesh is slightly bigger than the hole. Cover the hole and mesh with spakfilla so it blends and minimises visibility. Depending on the size of the hole, let it dry for at least 30 minutes. 
  3. Once your patch is dry, sand the area again to smooth it out. Repeat step 2 if necessary if it is not smooth or completely filled, before painting. Consider the type of paint you use to determine how long you need to leave it after sanding. If you use oil-based paint, wait 24 hours between sanding and painting over the hole in the wall. 

Paint Matching Tips

Professional painters are trained to match paint, but there are some paint matching tips you can use if you choose to DIY. 

  1. Ideally, use the same paint you used when originally painting the wall.
  2. Use the Dulux Colour App to match paints if you can’t use the original paint.
  3. Take a photo or swatch of your desired paint colour to your paint shop so they can blend it correctly. You can even use some of the paint flakes you removed in step 1 of your process.
  4. Remember that even if you get the same paint, it is not always an exact match. Test your paint on the wall to ensure you’re happy with the colour match before you start to patch the hole in your wall. 

DIY isn’t for everyone, and sometimes things are best left to the professional painters. That’s where we come in.

Contact AJ Cochrane & Sons today on 9248 8211 and let us help you fix the hole in the wall!

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