Commercial Painting – How to Prepare for Painting While Running a Business

commercial painting

How much disruption is normal in a commercial painting job?

Painting commercial premises when the business is still operating is never going to be completely inconvenience-free. However,  here at AJ Cochrane & Sons, we aim to keep the disruptions to a minimum. You’ll be able to continue running your business in a professional manner. Safety, access and presentation are going to be important in maintaining your business operations. Your clients and staff should not be expected to navigate a messy job site in order to do business!

We take pride in being very clean and professional. Aside from maintaining a safe and orderly job site, we know that planning ahead is crucial to minimising the impact of a large painting project on your business. There are actions that can be taken by both your painters and you to help minimise the worst of the disruptions to your business.

commercial painting

How AJ Cochrane & Sons minimises disruption to your business

The experienced staff here at AJ Cochrane & Sons can help you plan and stage your commercial painting project so the most disruptive areas are completed outside of usual business hours or during the quietest periods.

Once work starts, we take the time and effort to thoroughly prepare the workspaces, avoiding unsightly mistakes and the need for further disruption – we get a superior finish the first time, every time.

While the painting is taking place we take great pains to ensure that work is professional and the site is kept clean. A small ‘job site’ will be set up at your place of business in a convenient spot that causes the least disruption to your business and assists in keeping the site safe and tidy.

What you can do to prepare and help minimise disruption to your business

Planning is key to minimising disruption to your business.  Some of the factors you will need to consider include:

  • Scheduling commercial painting to take place during ‘off-peak’ business periods – if your business is traditionally very quiet just after the Christmas period, this may be an ideal time for you to consider such a project. Conversely, if you rely heavily on Christmas trade you would not consider undertaking a large paint project then;
  • Making a note of the busiest or quietest periods of your business day so the AJ Cochrane & Sons team can schedule for work to be undertaken around those periods;
  • Giving some consideration to where we can set up a small “worksite” on your premises so that you, your staff and your clients are not inconvenienced and materials can be stored safely and orderly;
  • Depending on the nature of your business or site particulars, it can be helpful to plan for alternative access to your premises at different points in the painting process.
  • It may be necessary to undertake the commercial painting project in stages. Preparing staff for some disruption to their workspaces so they can make alternative arrangements can go a long way to keeping business going smoothly.

AJ Cochrane & Sons have decades of experience in the commercial painting industry and a commitment to excellence.  The team will work with you to plan for the least disruption to your business during your commercial painting project.

Get in touch today to discuss your next project with painters Perth businesses trust!

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