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The Colour of Lowball Offers – House Painting for Profit

A room painted pink. This is likely to put off buyers, if you are house painting for profit.

When you decorated your home, you did so with your personal tastes in mind. Whether you are planning to put your place on the market soon or within the next couple of years, the colours you choose will influence how much profit your sale pulls in.  

AJ Cochrane & Sons Master Painters recommend avoiding bright colours. They might be particularly trendy, but trendy won’t sell your house if the trend is over by the time you list it.  

House painting in stereotypically gendered colours is always a bad move because people want to project their lives into the space they are viewing.  

The Biggest Offenders

So, which colours are leading to major lowball offers?  


People love splashes of bright colours, and yellow usually appears in kitchens, bathrooms, and nurseries. The problem with any shade of yellow is it can be wildly off-putting. It seems to be as hated in any room of the home in any shade. So, if you have any yellow paint in your home, now would be a good time to make a quick change. You can include orange as a big no-no.  

Jet Black 

It’s modern, slick, and growing in popularity, but that doesn’t mean painting your home in jet black is a good idea. It is incredibly difficult to cover up, which means even if people enjoy the look now, they may be hesitant to make a generous offer because of the hassle of repainting further down the line. If you must paint in black, opt for small accents to create a dramatic effect rather than entire walls.  

Shades of Pink  

As beautiful as pink can be, it is viewed as too feminine for most buyers. So, if you’re staging a home to make a profit, avoid any pink paint. And you can rule out purple, too. It isn’t necessarily viewed as feminine, but it can be a powerful colour that many people find polarising.  

And as popular as grey has been over the last decade, the tide is starting to turn. So, unless you really love it, you might want to rethink grey paint.  

If you have plans to paint your home, then you need house painting professionals to tackle the job. Using experts will not only ensure the job is done properly but efficiently as well.  

For professional house painting and interior decorating,
contact AJ Cochrane & Sons today

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