Interviewing Tradies for Your Reno? What to Ask House Painters Before You Decide!

What to ask house painters

Securing the service of professional, hard-working house painters can seem like a daunting hurdle to overcome. You want to make sure that you’re choosing the best in the biz. We’ve compiled a list of questions for what to ask house painters to ensure you are doing your due diligence before committing to a company. 

Contact AJ Cochrane & Sons for an obligation free consultation and quote to make sure you are on the receiving end of excellent, high quality painting services.

What to ask house painters

What to Ask House Painters

Here is a handy list to use for how to choose good house painters in Perth and beyond: 


A key element to help narrow your search is to enquire as to how much experience your chosen painters have in the industry. At AJ Cochrane & Sons we’ve got over four generations worth of know-how behind our brushes. Can other painters boast the same experience?

Capacity for Preparation of All Surfaces

Your house painters should be able to guarantee that all surfaces will be thoroughly cleaned in preparation for a paint job that gets everything right the first time. Beware of those who promise a quick turnaround job as it often comes at the cost of professionalism. 


Safety should be paramount and minimum disruption caused. Ask about how they can guarantee the safety of your home for its occupants – particularly if you have young children. 

Fixed Quoting

We’ve all heard the horror stories about paint jobs that blow out and end up hitting the wallet a lot harder than was initially intended. A fixed quote will take every aspect into account and will leave you with the assurance that the work will be timely, of high quality and on budget. 

Colour Consulting

Got an idea? Let your house painters help guide you through the process. Colour consultation will ensure that your home looks fresh, appeals to the market (if you’re in the selling mindset) and matches the look and feel of your home – particularly if it is heritage listed. 

Accreditation – Dulux

Dulux accredited painters come with a five year guarantee on the work undertaken. You should ensure that your painters of choice come with similar flying colours as we do here at AJ Cochrane & Sons. 

What to ask house painters – get it right the first time

Undertaking a painting job, no matter how big or small, is a considerable investment of your time and money. Choosing the right painter guarantees a sense of security and peace of mind that you won’t find in an amateur operation. 

Give trusted Perth painters, AJ Cochrane & Sons a call today.

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