The 6 most popular kitchen splashbacks

When it comes to the splashback for your kitchen, there are so many options choose from today! Today we break down the six most popular types of kitchen splashback: pros, cons and little style tips.

1. Tiles

These are the more traditional option when it comes to splashbacks – the range of sizes and colours are endless. Something that’s come roaring back into fashion is the humble subway tile. Many designers are using it to give a feel that is simultaneously retro and modern. The one thing you have to keep in mind, however, is that with tiles, there are always grout. If you’re a messy cook, likely to be throwing bolognaise sauce all over your splashback on a regular basis, you might want to avoid this option!

2. Glass

How can you argue with no grout, no mould and easy to clean? That’s what glass splashbacks deliver! These offer a bright modern look, but don’t be put off if you have a more traditional kitchen, you can tone things down by using a soft neutral colour.

3. Stainless Steel

Stainless steel has been used in commercial kitchens for a long time for lots of good reasons. They are heat resistant, durable and very easy to clean. If you fancy an industrial style kitchen, a stainless steel splashback combined with concrete bench always looks amazing. As with any stainless steel in the kitchen, don’t clean with anything abrasive, it’s a sure way to leave scratches.

4. Engineered stone

The seamless continuation of engineered stone from kitchen bench to splashback gives a beautiful, clean and minimalist look. If you have electric hot plates – this could be the option for you. If you have a gas cooktop, however, it will be a little more difficult as gas cooktops have to be a minimum of 200mm from the splashback.

5. Windows

Window splashbacks are becoming very fashionable – it does seem a shame to have a gorgeous lush garden which cannot be viewed from the kitchen! Window splash backs bring the outside in and if your kitchen lacks natural light, this could be a great option for you.

6. Feature splashback

Wander around some displays homes and you will see some stunning examples of ‘bespoke splashbacks’. These are glass splashbacks with a digitally printed image and they can be a real feature if done well. If you’re renovating the kitchen with the intent to sell the house, however, it’s worth remembering that a very individual splashback might not be to everyone’s taste.

More reading:

One thought on “The 6 most popular kitchen splashbacks

  1. I wanted to thank you for helping me learn more about popular kitchen splashbacks. I actually didn’t know that splashbacks could be made of engineered stone, which can be good if you have electric hot plates. I’m interested to learn what types of stone are used or if it honestly depends on the kitchen.

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