5 home maintenance tips that will save you money this winter

Prune Trees

The sensational warm winter days we’re having in Perth at the moment belie the fact that some extreme weather could be just around the corner. While the weather is calm, now is a good time to take care of some practical home maintenance jobs. Jobs that will reduce the risk of winter damage to your house and keep your family safe.

Clean gutters

It’s easy to forget about gutters until they’re overflowing and dumping water where you’d rather they didn’t. All you need to keep them clear is remove any leaves and twigs sitting in them. If you want to go the extra mile, hose them down after. This will show up any leaks that need attention.

Prune overhanging branches

Overhanging branches in a storm, especially if they’re the branches of gum trees, can cause a heap of damage to your house and lead to a huge amount of leaves clogging up your gutters. Those branches should be pruned regularly and it’s worth noting that your insurance company could give you grief if any damage is caused by overhanging branches that should have been cut back before the onset of winter.

Broken tiles

It definitely worth doing your due diligence on your roof ahead of winter storms. If you don’t feel confident climbing onto the roof, get a handyman. Regardless of whether your roof is tiled or tin they will know exactly what to check for:  Loose/broken tiles, ridge capping that may have become dislodged, or seams/seals on your tin roof that have rusted creating a crack or hole that water can seep through.

Ceiling fans

Don’t forget to switch your ceiling fans from summer to winter mode.  Setting them to winter mode produces an updraft and the warmth is pushed down.  This method conserves energy with the benefit of saving you money on your heating bills.

Fire precautions

Heating our homes becomes a priority in winter so it is no wonder accidental fires are more prevalent then.  Just having a fire extinguisher, is not good enough you need to know it is in good working order. A great new product available from Bunnings is the fire blanket, they range in price from $9.00 to $33.00, which adds that extra layer of safety for your family. Don’t forget it is also important to change your smoke alarm batteries every 12 months.

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